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稿件来源: 发布时间:2007-06-25

 622日,日本化学会会长藤岛昭一行6人来理化所参观访问。赵震声副所长代表理化所会见了来访嘉宾,对他们的到访表示热烈的欢迎,在实验室主任只金芳研究员的陪同下藤岛昭一行6参观了计算机制版实验室,光电功能界面材料实验室,以及新型功能聚合物材料实验室;藤岛昭教授还向我所赠送了他新出饭的专著《Diamond Electrochemistry》.


Akira FUJISHIMA:Chairman, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology

1989    Executive Director, Chemical Society of Japan

1998    President, Japanese Photochemistry Association

1999    Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Panel of Photochem. Photobio. C(Photochemistry Review)

2001    Vice President, Chemical Society of Japan

Leader of an optical function interface research funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)

2002    Research Supervisor, Development of Advanced Nanostructured Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

2003    President, Electrochemical Society of Japan

Awards and Prizes

1983    Asahi Prize

1998    Inoue Harushige Award

2000    Chemical Society of Japan Award

2003    First Gerischer Award

Medal with Purple Ribbon


